Nearly 18,000 new trees have been planted creating 24 acres of new woodland around a town.
A fall from a horse cost a pub landlord and former racehorse trainer his life, an inquest has ruled.
Members of Newmarket’s racing and thoroughbred breeding community have been saddened by death of popular stud man Tommy Sheridan.
A community initiative has launched this week to help people who are struggling with the spiralling cost of food.
The organiser of a town’s community awards was told he was lucky to be alive after he was involved in an accident while out cycling.
An air force veteran has finally been awarded a medal recognising his heroic service during the Cold War, thanks to the intervention of his MP.
One of the country’s fastest growing café groups has set out plans to open a new store in a former bank building.
The secretary and treasurer of a gymnastics club, who started there to help out, has retired – 18 years later.
A legendary trainer and a champion racehorse could be honoured with roads named after them on a new town housing development.
An assistant headteacher at a village primary school who quizzed a former pupil about her sex life has been struck off.
More than 500 gifts have been given to children in hospital at Christmas, in memory of a brave four-year-old.
A man falsely accused of being a paedophile by his ex-partner said he had been left psychologically ruined by the ordeal.
A village path, used by children on their way to school has been given an upgrade thanks to efforts of a councillor.
Members of a town’s racing community have been short-listed for the most valuable racing staff awards in the world.
A town’s racing community is mourning one of its most popular members with the death of former trainer Tony Hide at the age of 85.
A village church is facing an initial insurance bill of £1,000 after vandals broke in and wrecked its Christmas tree festival.
Signage set to be improved at an accident-prone junction near a town thanks to pressure from councillors.
An investigation into the conduct of police officers before and during the murder of a mother is set to publish its findings soon.
An inquest has opened into the death of a former Suffolk racehorse trainer who died following a fall from a horse.
College students got to see first hand how maths is used in construction during a visit to a new housing development.