A council has revealed it was offered the chance to buy two houses being sold at auction by a social housing provider.
A fund-raising party has generated more than £4,600 to further boost a fund named in memory of boy who lost his life to a rare form of cancer.
History was made at a world-famous bloodstock auctioneers when a woman stepped up to the rostrum for the first time.
A 21-year-old man has been jailed for three years after he admitted stabbing a man in a town’s market square earlier this year.
A man who hates running is hoping to finish 33 marathons to raise awareness of the illness his mother has lived with for more than 30 years.
Councillors are asking why social housing in a town is being flogged off when there are thousands of families waiting to be housed.
A High Street will come alive with festive cheer as it holds its annual Christmas Lights switch-on event later this week.
A collection of more than 800 locks of hair from some of the most famous racechorses has sold at auction for £38,000.
Ray Goddard may never seen a racehorse run in his colours but he would have argued he owned a piece of some of the Turf’s greatest champions.
A dog owner said she went through the worst weekend of her life when her beloved pets were hospitalised.
A town’s high street is set for a facelift with new bins and planters set to be installed next year.
Two vital restoration projects at a village church costing more than £280,000 are all but completed.
A charity is giving the horseracing industry’s young workers a leg up when it comes to finding a safe and secure place to live.
Staff at Newmarket’s National Horseracing Museum are celebrating after winning a coveted tourism award.
A racing community has been mourning the loss of one of its much-respected members who has died aged 61.
A much-used footpath which was illegally closed could soon be re-instated after years of campaigning by councillors and residents.
An animal companionship charity has appointed a patron and new trustees to boost its growth plans.
Residents said they were told there would have to be a death before anything was done to improve safety in a town street.
A new bespoke service for the thoroughbred racing and breeding industry has been launched.
A few years ago, Harry was a school boy with dreams of becoming a jockey – now he is riding winners and inspiring students.