Residents of a Suffolk town want to know why a multi-million pound flats development is still empty months after work was completed.
Fund-raising in memory of a four-year-old boy has helped a leading childhood cancer charity fund two vital new research projects.
The principal of a village college has called for a re-inspection by Ofsted after its grade went from outstanding to requires improvement.
Work to improve safety at an accident hotspot just outside a Suffolk town is set to get under way.
A Suffolk pensioner could lose his home later this month after a decades long wrangle with Anglian Water over sewage flooding his basement.
A Suffolk town’s Labour councillors are urging a county council to grasp a last-chance opportunity to re-open its re-cycling centre.
Residents have until Monday to give their views on a proposal which could see a new 1000-home village built.
A second public consultation is to be held in a Suffolk town over a major housing and country park proposal.
Three more horse racing legends are to be honoured on a Suffolk town’s equivalent of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Weeks after being rated one of the best schools in the country, staff and students at Soham Village College had more to celebrate today.
Pupils and staff at Newmarket Academy have been celebrating a raft of good GCSE results.
An award-winning hotel and restaurant has appointed a new head chef who has worked alongside culinary legends.
A new £15 million community diagnostic unit (CDC) in a Suffolk town could be welcoming its first patients by the end of the year.
A special new tour telling the story of a legendary, but tragic, jockey will be held in a Suffolk town next month.
Plans for 540 new homes, a state-of-the art medical centre and a pre-school nursery are set to be decided by councillors later this month.
Details of plans which could end the decades’ wait for the restoration of an historic building in a Suffolk town have been made public.
A pensioner with a unique collection of 160 bedpans wants to find them a new home as she has run out of space.
A dog who faced a cardiac arrest caused by his heartbeat racing out of control is beating a path to recovery.
A footpath in a Suffolk town, much used by parents and schoolchildren, which was illegally closed, could soon be re-instated.
The racing chaplain in a Suffolk town said he was overwhelmed by a community effort which has saved his job.