The lifting of lockdown 'is a long way off', according to Health Secretary and West Suffolk MP Matt Hancock.
Get ready for even more snow and ice, forecasters warn
Over 70s will start to receive the Covid jab this week.
Suffolk awoke to a blanket of snow - with icy temperatures set to continue
We are ensuring you can still read the Suffolk Free Press in full even if you can’t get to the shops.
We are ensuring you can still read the Newmarket Journal in full even if you can’t get to the shops.
We are ensuring you can still read the Haverhill Echo in full even if you can’t get to the shops.
A new 'Beast from the East' could be lurking, say weather experts
Police want to trace a prisoner who has absconded from Hollesley Bay.
Editor Barry Peters has been reflecting on a year like no other and the good and bad news stories which have defined 2020.
You can give the gift of news this Christmas, with a subscription to the Newmarket Journal.
You can give the gift of news this Christmas, with a subscription to the Haverhill Echo.
You can give the gift of news this Christmas, with a subscription to the Suffolk Free Press.
You can give the gift of news this Christmas, with a subscription to the Bury Free Press.
Bosses at struggling Caffe Nero plan to ask their landlords for better terms after the second lockdown forced the chain into a corner.
A respectable-looking middle-aged couple have conned pubs and hotels out of thousands of pounds across South Suffolk.
The Queen hopes as many people as possible will join celebrations marking her Platinum Jubilee in 2022, Buckingham Palace has said.
Students in England and Wales will be allowed to travel back to their family homes across Suffolk for Christmas.
DIY chain Homebase, which has stores across Suffolk, is being put on sale once again following a recent major overhaul to revive its fortunes.
A man has been jailed for eight years after pleading guilty to a robbery in Sudbury.