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Kayden focusing on football

10 August 2020
Kayden focusing on football

Kayden focusing on football

10 August 2020

Kayden Jackson says that his concentration remains firmly on Town ahead of the upcoming campaign.

Welcome to Suffolk News - the essential place to find all the news from our county

10 August 2020
Welcome to Suffolk News - the essential place to find all the news from our county

Welcome to Suffolk News - the essential place to find all the news from our county

10 August 2020

Today sees the launch of Suffolk News - a site which will bring you the news that matters across the county.

Salary caps introduced for League One sides

09 August 2020
Salary caps introduced for League One sides

Salary caps introduced for League One sides

09 August 2020

A £2.5m spend on squads in League One to take immediate effect

We need people in to improve us, says Lambert

06 August 2020
We need people in to improve us, says Lambert

We need people in to improve us, says Lambert

06 August 2020

Town boss Paul Lambert wants to bring in new faces for the new season.

Clean bill of health for first-team and staff as Town look to phase two return

05 August 2020
Clean bill of health for first-team and staff as Town look to phase two return

Clean bill of health for first-team and staff as Town look to phase two return

05 August 2020

Town players have received a Covid-clear status ahead of the new season preparations.

Town close in on warm-up schedule

03 August 2020
Town close in on warm-up schedule

Town close in on warm-up schedule

03 August 2020

Blues looking to confirm pre-season friendlies as players undertake first Covid-19 test

Editor's comment: Watch out for the trolls

11 June 2020
Editor's comment: Watch out for the trolls

Editor's comment: Watch out for the trolls

11 June 2020

Editor Barry Peters comments on the rise of the troll in lockdown.

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020
Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020

The communities secretary has urged the public to support local media as the industry finds itself under "significant financial pressure".

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020
Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020

The communities secretary has urged the public to support local media as the industry finds itself under "significant financial pressure".

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020
Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020

The communities secretary has urged the public to support local media as the industry finds itself under "significant financial pressure".

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020
Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

Minister urges 'buy a newspaper'

07 May 2020

The communities secretary has urged the public to support local media as the industry finds itself under "significant financial pressure".

Subscribe to the Bury Free Press and save 20% on cover price

05 May 2020
Subscribe to the Bury Free Press and save 20% on cover price

Subscribe to the Bury Free Press and save 20% on cover price

05 May 2020

Love local news? You can now subscribe to your favourite weekly newspaper and save up to 20% on the cover price every week.

Subscribe to the Newmarket Journal and save 20% on cover price

05 May 2020
Subscribe to the Newmarket Journal and save 20% on cover price

Subscribe to the Newmarket Journal and save 20% on cover price

05 May 2020

Love local news? You can now subscribe to your favourite weekly newspaper and save up to 20% on the cover price every week.

Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

23 April 2020
Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

23 April 2020

Newmarket is synonymous with horses - but crowds will be roaring on a a different kind of horsepower this summer

Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

23 April 2020
Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

23 April 2020

Newmarket is synonymous with horses - but crowds will be roaring on a a different kind of horsepower this summer

Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

23 April 2020
Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

Time to get revved up for a whizz in a soapbox at the UK home of horseracing

23 April 2020

Newmarket is synonymous with horses - but crowds will be roaring on a a different kind of horsepower this summer

Coronavirus Log: Lockdown has freed up some time for me to plug the gaps, says Barry Peters

20 April 2020
Coronavirus Log: Lockdown has freed up some time for me to plug the gaps, says Barry Peters

Coronavirus Log: Lockdown has freed up some time for me to plug the gaps, says Barry Peters

20 April 2020

Editor Barry Peters has been catching up on some cultural treats

Coronavirus log: The invisible enemy of 2020

14 April 2020
Coronavirus log: The invisible enemy of 2020

Coronavirus log: The invisible enemy of 2020

14 April 2020

Editor Barry Peters muses on our invisible enemy for today's Coronavirus Log.

Coronavirus log: Is yet more evil still to be unleashed?

10 April 2020
Coronavirus log: Is yet more evil still to be unleashed?

Coronavirus log: Is yet more evil still to be unleashed?

10 April 2020

Editor Barry Peters fears we may have only just seen the start of the evil which viruses could inflict in the future.

Send us your pictures for Snapshot Suffolk as we get through the lockdown together during the coronavirus outbreak

06 April 2020
Send us your pictures for Snapshot Suffolk as we get through the lockdown together during the coronavirus outbreak

Send us your pictures for Snapshot Suffolk as we get through the lockdown together during the coronavirus outbreak

06 April 2020

Got an eye for a picture? Send them to us while you're under lockdown for our Snapshot Suffolk competition