Residents in an area of Suffolk have woken up with little or no water supply this morning.
A woman was kicked and punched when she challenged a group of youngsters about their behaviour.
Police are appealing for witnesses after a stone was thrown from a bridge causing a car windscreen to crack.
A truck caused severe delays on the A14 after it blew a tyre causing one lane to close.
Fire crews from two towns were called to a blaze at a Suffolk airbase.
Fire crews were called to three separate flooding incidents in a Suffolk village this morning.
Police are appealing for more information after a woman was hit by a car while crossing the road.
A Suffolk leisure centre is not open this morning as there is no water supply to the centre.
As Christmas Day approaches, have a look through some of the best decorated Christmas trees sent it by our readers.
A charity is completing restoration work in and around the River Lark following acts of 'mindless littering'.
A woman had to seek medical assistance after getting bitten by a dog in a Suffolk village.
A driver was arrested yesterday evening on suspicion of drug driving after driving 44mph on a 30mph road.
A Ford Transit has broken down on a major Suffolk route this morning.
Fears have been raised for the wellbeing of elderly and vulnerable residents due to ongoing problems with their heating and hot water.
Founders of a charity rickshaw service were paid a surprise visit by the BBC's The One Show.
A Suffolk chippy has reached the final three for Best Newcomer at the National Fish and Chip Awards 2023.
A lane has been blocked on a busy road due to a collision between two tractors.
A primary school in Suffolk remains partially closed today as there is no power available at one side of the school.
There is congestion on the A14 eastbound this morning after a car broke down.
A horse was rescued after it got its leg stuck in metal bars this morning.