We’ve compiled the latest crime data in Suffolk so you can check the crime hotspots and how your neighbourhood compares.
A village road has been closed with emergency services at the scene following a single-vehicle collision.
A free-to-attend record fair is set to return to a town following its two successful instalments last year.
A TV personality has visited a Suffolk town as part of a collaboration with Greene King to provide alcohol-free cocktails for non-drinkers.
A 22-year-old children’s entertainer is delighted after launching her first business with no spaces now available at her opening event.
Timber has been stolen after sheds at a village home were broken into.
A 23-year-old man who survived a childhood cancer diagnosis has organised a charity football match fund-raiser.
A newly-formed football club has announced a fund-raising event with two former Premier League players featuring as guest speakers.
An estate in Suffolk has made the list for the National Trust’s top spots in the east of England for snowdrops during the winter months.
A blue bicycle has been stolen from outside a business in a town.
A town’s independent cinema is set to welcome a best-selling author for an evening of music, poetry and stories.
A male has been arrested following the discovery of a cannabis grow in a town.
Ipswich Town manager Kieran McKenna is looking forward to the challenge of facing Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City for the second time this season.
Ipswich Town’s new January signing is set to be included in the squad for tomorrow’s clash against current Premier League champions Manchester City.
A grateful dance school owner has made the jump to a bigger studio, bringing the curtain down on her events business.
A young mum-of-two fears for the health of her young children after struggling with serious mould issues at her home for months.
A man in his 20s has been reported and had his vehicle seized by officers in a village high street.
A diversion route spanning 13 miles is set to be put in place for upcoming roadworks outside a town.
A 59-year-old woman has been charged with drink driving following a crash in a village.
An Ipswich Town defender and January signing has addressed the elephant in the room regarding his four-year spell at club rivals Norwich City.