A wildlife artist has scooped the young market trader of the year title for the eastern region.
A general manager has been appointed for a new Suffolk health and wellbeing club.
Remedial works to improve safety at a notorious accident blackspot have been greeted by ‘dismay and outright fury’ by campaigners.
Concerns have been raised after further sites were put forward for potential development in a Suffolk village
A bakery says it is set to lose thousands of pounds because of a planned power cut at its main production site.
Police, fire and ambulances services were called to a two-car crash last night.
A call for ‘immediate’ action has been made for safety improvements after a crash at a notorious accident blackspot.
A holiday village employing more than 1,900 people is celebrating a major milestone.
The new landlords of a popular community pub have spoken of their excitement as they prepare to relaunch the venue.
Nominations for this year’s Bury Free Press West Suffolk Business Awards will close on August 6.
The UK’s biggest parcel delivery company is to create more than 200 jobs in Suffolk area as part of a nationwide recruitment drive.
Nominations are open for the Bury Free Press West Suffolk Business of the Year award 2024.
A music fan is on a mission to make sure an infamous 1978 punk gig will always be remembered in a Suffolk town.
ITV Anglia news anchor Becky Jago is to host the Bury Free Press West Suffolk Business Awards – for the second year running.
Nominations invited for the Bury Free Press West Suffolk Business Leader of the Year category 2024
In an exclusive interview with the new CEO of Suffolk based ingredients supplier, Treatt, David Shannon outlines his plans.
Nominations are open for the Apprentice/Trainee of the Year Award at the West Suffolk Business Awards.
An estate agentcy has celebrated its 20th anniversary by expanding its office space and staff.
A bespoke furniture company, founded in 1985, set to open its first high street shop.
The owner of a company which helps people improve their wellbeing though plants is to appear on national TV.