A second Banksy mural looks set to be displayed at a town museum after being removed from a wall in Nottingham.
A plan for more than 200 new homes has been blocked due to impact on landscape and risk of flooding.
Three members of a midwifery team been recognised for their outstanding work during a 'very challenging' year.
Hospital bosses are calling on the public to help shape healthcare plans in light of Government funding.
A video made by tour guides is proving popular for those forced to isolate.
Police are appealing for witnesses following the theft of a motorcycle.
A determined fund-raiser, 85, is celebrating after his efforts to raise cash – despite the pandemic – have proven successful.
Plans to build a solar farm on 96 hectares of agricultural land have taken a step forward.
Councillors and residents are demanding an apology after a ‘mix-up’ led to three walnuts trees – instead of a buddleia bush – being cut down.
People stood in their doorways and gathered on the streets for a village funeral with a difference.
A new memorial bench has been installed for a popular village resident who died suddenly last year.
A teenager who subjected two women to a 'horrifyingly frightening' attack by spraying bleach in their faces has been sentenced.
Thousands of households will be eligible for a reduction in council tax bills after three councils approve further support.
Three people have been taken to hospital with broken bones after a head-on crash near the A14.
A popular heritage officer has retired from a town centre museum - but still has lots to keep him busy.
The inquest into the death of a baby girl found on a conveyor belt at a recycling centre has been adjourned for further evidence.
A concerned resident says he has been ‘overwhelmed’ by the support for restaurants and takeaways during the pandemic after setting up a support page.
A theatre is set to introduce new groups into its programme aimed at young people with physical and learning disabilities.
Police are appealing for help to trace a 43-year-old man who has connections across six counties.
A council investment company has purchased a property in Coventry, it has been announced.