Some 30 performers from around the country have produced a special show for Tegan - which goes live tonight.
A Rock Snake plaque created by children and their families highlights some of the 'good things' from a remarkably bad year.
People are being encouraged to look beyond lockdown by making a date to join the fundraising events.
Community leaders have spoken of their despair after ‘Covidiots’ went on the rampage on New Year’s Eve.
A schools partnership has begun Covid-19 testing for staff and those students still attending the school during lockdown.
The chief executive of a schools partnership has praised the commitment of school leaders, staff, students and parents.
Councillors vote in favour new long-term lease as part of wider town vision
Police officers should be amongst the first to receive the Covid vaccine, according to Suffolk Police Federation.
A super-slimmer is looking forward to the New Year after shedding more than 6st in under a year.
A landlord says he will not be reopening his pub after controversial plans to turn it into a house were refused.
A mum has told of her joy after doctors said her daughter could come home for Christmas – after winning her battle against cancer.
A Suffolk museum has been helping with a project to compile a database of traditional dialects with some fun results.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock says people must 'stick together and look out for each other' as Suffolk faces toughest safety restrictions.
A mystery singing Santa caused a sensation when he visited a local school to make a video.
A small eight-resident care home has been having some festive fun by producing their own Christmas film.
Detectives are still no closer to identifying the infant - known as Baby S.
Residents have set up a campaign group as they wait to hear about future cycle lane plans.
A kind-hearted florist has been busy preparing for Christmas after turning herself into a real life Secret Santa.
Ninety members of the public attended a virtual meeting this week to discuss the new favoured site for West Suffolk Hospital.
A home and gift shop has won this year's competition to find the most festive window display.