Referrals to an NHS wellbeing hub have more than doubled for children and young adults in the last six months, figures show
Details of a £1 million bail-out for a Suffolk leisure trust look set to be finalised next week as it prepares to close its centres for a second time.
Three brothers have been doing their bit for the environment by litter picking while raising money for a hedgehog sanctuary.
A Government consultation into changes to national planning policy has raised "serious concerns".
Residents and business will now be 'fully' consulted before any future cycle lanes get underway
A community nurse has thanked her 'angel' for helping her out at a service station.
Police say they are carrying out 'extensive work' to tackle issues around homelessness, anti-social behaviour and drug taking.
The Force was definitely strong as movie fans arrived for an annual sci-fi exhibition.
Ken Rowbottom, Suffolk's Royal British Legion county chairman, explains how this year's appeal will be different - but is just as important.
Frustrated residents have launched a new campaign to turn a small green outside their homes into a car park.
A man has been jailed for eight weeks for driving while disqualified.
A new community partnership aims to reduce food waste and also save people money.
Tributes have been paid to a cricket hero who inspired hundreds and helped create one the ‘finest cricket grounds in East Anglia’.
A fund has been launched to help a father-of-two who suffered extensive injuries in a motorbike accident lead a more comfortable life.
New cycle parking bays have been installed in two Suffolk towns.
The quality of food at a Suffolk hospital has been highlighted in a national report led by celebrity chef Prue Leith.
White lines marking out parking bays in a town centre location look set to be repainted after parking hiccup.
Warning after conmen frightened a woman into handing over all her money as well as a copies of her passport.
Company plans 100 new stores for 'all things geeky' over the next two years.
A delighted mum was thrilled to see a biscuit she made in the image of comedian Jo Brand pop up on TV last week .