The owner of a popular village gift shop has put the businesses up for sale.
Plans to redevelop a Suffolk care home have been lodged amid noise fears for future residents.
Plans for a major redevelopment at a Suffolk academy will create a school fit for the future, according to consultants.
A new discount store has opened with the help of the charity it has chosen to support.
Talks are under way over the future of a town centre car park after controversial new charges were introduced.
A mum-of-three is celebrating after being short-listed for a prestigious award.
An MP is demanding an explanation after National Grid announced it would not be running underground cables as part of a major power project.
The birthplace of renowned 18th Century artist Thomas Gainsborough has launched an appeal to help preserve its collection.
Armed police were called to support ambulance staff following a medical incident in a town.
Worried shopkeepers are calling for people to shop local after new parking charges were introduced.
Tributes have been pouring in for a much-loved football club chairman, who died 10 days after being diagnosed with cancer.
Two men are helping to share the story of their unusual house with the release of an unusual calendar.
The chairman of one of England’s oldest football clubs has died following a short illness, the club has announced.
A 46-year-old man has been jailed for sexual offences against a child.
Residents hope to buy their village pub and turn it into a community hub with shop and café.
A family-run kitchenware store is set to close after more than a decade in town - with plans to reopens as a greengrocers.
Works to restore a key bridge should be completed by the end of next month, say highways bosses.
The team behind a new town centre bar have announced its location and opening date.
A drink driver has lost his licence after a ‘near miss’ with an off-duty police officer, who alerted colleagues.
A premium lifestyle product store has opened selling high-quality furniture including pergolas, BBQs and pizza ovens.