Suffolk’s elderly and vulnerable are being targeted by scammers posing as police officers.
A homebuilder has appointed a new managing director as it looks to triple its build rate.
Villagers are bracing themselves for a new 43-mile diversion route - with calls it should be postponed.
Specialist builders working to restore a historic town centre building have discovered ‘unexpected challenges’.
A developer has updated its traffic management plans for the upcoming works on a key Suffolk road.
Talks are under way over the possible closure of two rural roads during upcoming works.
All routes have reopened six hours after a two vehicle crash.
A number of roads have been closed as police attend a two vehicle crash.
A Suffolk college has rewarded its exceptional apprentices during a glamorous awards night.
A landmark Suffolk venue closed its doors for the final time yesterday after serving the community for 138 years.
New data has revealed the amount of traffic using a key road ahead of a planned series of weekend closures.
A Suffolk store has been shortlisted for a prestigious national award.
A road has been reopened after emergency services were called to a medical incident.
A road has been closed while emergency services attend a medical incident.
A young car mechanic and a construction worker have scooped top college apprenticeship awards.
Worried residents are calling for the closure of two roads during upcoming works.
New research has revealed why Britain’s nightingale population has seen such a major decline.
A heavy rock band is calling for venues to support live music to help young musicians get off the ground.
Construction is set to begin on a state-of-the art skills and innovation centre.
Campaigners are calling for permanent safety measures on a town road due to ‘constant speeding’.