An author found lockdown inspirational when she finished her latest novel – in just five months
Police are trying to trace the owner of a Springer Spaniel which was found wandering last week.
Shopkeepers are demanding a clamp down on anti-social behaviour.
Shopkeepers are demanding a clamp down on anti-social behaviour.
A florist looks set to raise hundreds of pounds with her latest nature-inspired creations.
Police are warning bikers and cyclists to be careful after a man on a pedal cycle was 'garroted' by a rope while riding along a popular throughway.
Plans for 300 new homes have been given the go-ahead after the developer agreed to help fund a new primary school and highways improvements.
Plans for 38 new homes, designed for people on lower incomes, have been given the go-ahead.
The upgrade includes a new gym, poolside features and changing rooms.
Hundreds of people joined a virtual funeral this week to say goodbye to a woman who made friends wherever she went.
Villagers took a step back in time at the weekend when their village shop and post office was recreated.
Landlords Martin and Marisa are hoping to retire after 36 years.
The Suffolk soldiers who fought so valiantly in the Far East during World War Two were remembered last weekend.
Students were greeted with applause from teachers and parents.
Ben Brason is re-introducing 'a sense of fun' into the gymnastics to help rebuild its reputation.
Backflip Ben and partner Jamie are hoping their dream is about to finally come true.
The Suffolk soldiers who fought in the Far East during World War II will be remembered on Saturday.
An eagle-eyed 10-year-old helped prevent disaster when she spotted a fire at her summer school.
Maison Bleue wins Tripadvisor award for fifth time.
Police chiefs hope to have another 54 officers in place by the end of the year.