A petition has been launched on behalf of residents to stop lorries passing through a town late at night due to A14 diversions.
A not-for-profit coffee shop offering mental health support for veterans has announced it will be closed on Mondays due to a lack of customers.
Suffolk's commercial vehicle unit have given a total of £1,500 in fines to a HGV driver for tachograph offences.
Police are appealing for witnesses after a man approached two girls at a petrol station and offered them a lift home after staring at them.
Police are appealing for information after a Range Rover was stolen.
People have until tomorrow to share their opinions in a consultation on the potential closure of Suffolk's remaining two middle schools.
In today's podcast we discuss how the manager of an independent cinema has reacted to the potential arrival of a new picture house chain in the town.
More than 20 local companies were announced as sponsors of the town's anniversary which takes place this year.
Businesses and students from across the region gathered for the major event.
The massively popular indie heroes will be taking to the stage in Suffolk this summer.
A flight attendant whose life was changed dramatically by an eating disorder has found purpose through a voluntary project.
Officers are appealing for information from the public to help locate a wanted man.
A resident has raised concerns following ongoing fly-tipping in two areas of a town.
A Suffolk MP who is campaigning for pupils to be screened for dyslexia has visited a special needs school.
Two companies have come together to bring a unique cinematic experience to the local area.
Deals with a college to increase apprenticeship numbers and have urged other businesses to get involved.
The Festival of Suffolk has gained a new symbol designed by an artist from the county.
In today's podcast we discuss the long-lasting impact a woman has experienced after her home was broken into.
Police are appealing for witnesses or information after a metal skip was stolen from a business in a Suffolk town.
A brand-new Antiques, Vintage, Retro and Collectables Fair will be starting off the new show season.