A town council has agreed its 2025/26 budget, including the precept and proposed spending on areas like youth outreach, allotments and grant funding.
Plans are being drafted for a ‘headline’ event in Bury St Edmunds next Christmas – possibly the return of an ice rink – after funding was approved.
A former headteacher who sent sexually-explicit messages to an undercover police officer posing as a child has been banned from teaching for life.
A school where children get a ‘fabulous start’ is ‘delighted’ to have been judged to be ‘outstanding’ in a number of areas.
A ‘unique’ historic building that is a ‘hidden gem’ in a town centre will have a new manager from January.
A college that serves over 8,000 students is one of only six colleges in the country to achieve ‘outstanding’ across the board from Ofsted.
A project to help to discourage drivers from entering a pedestrian and cycle zone in a town centre has ‘finally’ been delivered.
A growing school where ‘everyone is made to feel welcome’ has been praised by inspectors.
There are plans to expand a primary school in a growing village by more than 200 students and to also increase the numbers at a pre-school.
A school is one of 10 in Norfolk to receive a £5,000 grant supporting ways for families to take a more active journey to school.
A village school has celebrated the completion of a £10,000 outdoor classroom project.
A village school that is ‘full of heart and purpose’ is ‘thrilled’ with the result of an inspection.
Primary school pupils with special needs have had the opportunity to work with an artist to explore their creative side.
A councillor faced a backlash over her views on a town council giving money to charities, during a budget debate.
A college has championed T levels - which are an alternative to A-levels and apprenticeships - during a national campaign.
A ground-breaking space sector project is being led by a university in Suffolk.
The top schools are revealed in the latest edition of a guide for parents.
A charity’s plot was among those to be targeted in a spate of break-ins at an allotments site, however CCTV will now be there for longer.
A village school now has a ‘fantastic’ library space following the completion of a year-long project.
Schoolchildren have had the chance to work with a developer on a project to design a child’s bedroom for a show home.