The line-up has been announced for a literature festival celebrating books and writing in the heart of East Anglia.
A Suffolk school is pleased the hard work of staff and pupils has been recognised after improving its Ofsted grading.
A company has donated bricks worth more than £7,000 to a Suffolk college to support bricklaying students.
A Suffolk MP has said he is delighted with an increase to school funding, but a union has stressed ‘education is not well funded’.
An event yesterday encouraged families to leave the car at home to set a record for the most people to arrive at school under their own steam.
An artist who teaches at a Suffolk sixth form expressed disappointed over the removal of students’ work and said they ‘didn’t want to offend anybody’.
A Suffolk town’s splash fountain project for youngtsters is taking longer to complete than hoped.
Children have enjoyed getting messy with paint as part of Holi celebrations.
Police in Suffolk and Norfolk have released CCTV images of a man they want to speak to in relation to £1,500 worth of fuel being stolen.
Senior reporter Mariam Ghaemi spoke to staff at a Suffolk middle school about their memories and its transition to closure.
A Suffolk nursery has celebrated its success in a national award scheme with cake.
Two mural banners have been unveiled in a town centre, while students also showcased their learning from an arts and education project.
A man in his 30s remains unaccounted for after a boat sank in a river at the Suffolk/Norfolk border.
A school is delighted to be awarded gold for its commitment to the development of competition across the school and into the community.
Parts of a town and surrounding area have been affected by water supply issues today.
A Suffolk-born singer has led masterclasses with students ahead of their gala concert.
Power has been off for some residents in a Suffolk town this morning.
A mother has spoken about her daughter’s cancer journey, from shocking diagnosis to surprise and relief at a clear scan so soon after.
A father has complained to Suffolk County Council after 80 pages of ‘highly-sensitive data’ of his son’s was sent to another parent.
A revamped outdoor area for reception pupils at a Suffolk school has been opened.