Pupils from a Suffolk school have excelled in a prestigious computer science competition.
A well-known member of a running community and former teacher has been remembered as a ‘lovely’ man in tributes following his death.
An apprentice from a Suffolk college has won a national carpentry award.
A ‘welcoming and inclusive’ nursery and pre-school is ‘absolutely delighted’ with the outcome of an Ofsted inspection.
A project that sees sixth formers help high school students with maths is having a positive impact on results.
The Ipswich MP has welcomed the policing minister to the town where they discussed steps being taken to tackle retail crime and anti-social behaviour.
There are plans to expand a high school - including the building of a new block - to accommodate an additional 300 students.
A teacher who has undergone multiple spinal surgeries and recently got into running is challenging herself to complete the London Marathon.
A specialist education setting is receiving £1.89 million to move to a former middle school site and upscale its facilities.
A primary school near Bury St Edmunds is ‘excited’ to have joined an academy trust.
An MP has intervened to speed up a delayed project to upgrade an ambulance service depot.
A village pub has closed after only being open for a couple of months.
Primary school pupils have enjoyed a hands-on day learning about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
The creative writing talents of primary school children have been showcased through a competition organised by a secondary school.
Two councils say they have ‘no option’ but to review their plan for the future of their districts following the Government’s housebuilding hike.
A pioneering trio are on a 'vitally important' mission to transform women's healthcare by bringing the first women's health conference to Suffolk.
A college is celebrating the first anniversary of the opening of its state-of-the-art Extended Reality (XR) Lab.
A Ukrainian refugee has been speaking about the value of her Suffolk library in helping her to adjust to her new life.
Figures have revealed the number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued by West Suffolk Council’s parking officers and the most ticketed areas.
Guests have had an ‘amazing’ time at a community Christmas party hosted by County High School in Bury St Edmunds.