A college's carpentry team are creating a 12 metre by four metre billboard tribute ahead of Armistice Day.
Lanes of the A12 are now open following an earlier crash involving a car and a motorbike.
A new school catering for children with social, emotional and mental health needs opened its doors last month.
A college's hair and beauty academy is set to be awarded a prestigious title and students have progressed to the finals of a national contest.
A health awareness event is taking place at a community centre next week.
A housing group has said revised plans for a village development would reflect ongoing discussions with planners and consultees.
Primary school pupils have learned about metal recycling during a visit by a major manufacturing company.
A primary school has taken part in a global art festival event that allowed them to explore their own creativity.
An academies boss has said a new headteacher will lead a school 'to the next level' as it continues to improve.
Students have gained skills through an anti-bullying training scheme to equip them with handling a range of situations.
A school welcomed two personal trainers to work with pupils as part of its commitment to making mental health a priority.
A Suffolk businesswoman appeared in the first episode of a TV series that gives suppliers the chance to win a contract with a supermarket giant.
A ball in memory of a Suffolk toddler who died a year ago has raised nearly £30,000 for Brain Tumour Research.
A council has decided to refuse planning approval for work to a hotel, spa and golf complex near a popular town.
A village primary's new headteacher has said he has 'big shoes to fill' as he settles into the role.
A parent has spoken of the 'not ideal' situation the family have been left in after a public bus service stopped going to her sons' school.
Concerns have been raised over road safety in a congested lane that is the access to a new SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) unit.
A school garden that is having a positive impact on students' wellbeing has scooped two prizes.
A college and district council have teamed up to give primary school children a taste of potential future careers.
A charity facing increasing demand has raised cost-of-living issues with an MP, including the need for benefits to rise in line with inflation.