A school's controversial proposal to partially close a road at drop-off and pick-up times 'will not progress further'.
A wildlife group has co-ordinated the restoration of a log seating area in woods on a residential estate.
A village school has been found by Ofsted to have improved in all areas since its last inspection in 2018.
Beach hut owners on the Suffolk coast say plans to move their huts closer to the sea put them at increased risk of storm and flood damage.
Police have charged a 17-year-old boy with attempted murder and possession of a knife after a girl suffered life-changing injuries in a stabbing.
The boss of a schools trust said there remains 'a significant gap between funding and increases in expenditure’ following government announcements.
A couple have opened a Greek restaurant in a Suffolk town, which is in addition to their award-winning branch in Cambridge.
A village primary school has once again been graded as 'good' by Ofsted after last having this rating 12 years ago.
A primary school has been commended for how well it looks after pupils, parents and staff.
An old Union flag belonging to a Scout group was cut from a flagpole, but then returned two days later.
A 12-foot crown made by college students is now a place of play at a primary school.
A former headteacher has announced he is stepping down from leading a trade union.
A Greek restaurant has opened a branch in a popular Suffolk town.
We interview the CEO of a group of post-16 education providers as he approaches a decade in the job.
A mother said she felt she was 'fighting a losing battle' with the county council over getting a school bus place for her daughter.
Popular TV presenter and historian Lucy Worsley came to a university to talk about her new book on the 'Queen of Crime', author Agatha Christie.
In today's podcast, we have news that one of the soldiers who carried the Queen's coffin at her funeral was from a Suffolk town.
A school has officially opened its refurbished playground for younger children.
College staff and students came together in a collective effort to do the most squats possible in the shortest space of time.
Work to refurbish a school's outdoor pool is due to start next month as fundraising continues to go 'in the right direction'.