A Suffolk community farm has held its first ‘farmfest’ – with no major hiccups.
Allotment holders in a town are becoming increasingly ‘fed up’ with ongoing problems at the Suffolk site including vandalism.
A Suffolk primary school and a café linked up to give children the opportunity to use coins in a real-life setting to learn about money.
Free English and maths courses, mainly aimed at adults, are taking place over the summer at a range of locations.
A Suffolk farm finally has a new and improved entrance after companies and individuals volunteered to build it.
A PE teacher at a special school has spoken of his pride for his students after they completed a bike ride in warm weather this week.
A planning application has been granted permission to use a house as the central office for a new multi-academy trust.
Caterpillars have been devouring box hedging at a popular Suffolk tourist spot – and the affected plants cannot be saved.
A special school that is ‘now a safe and happy place to learn’ has been praised by Ofsted for its rapid turnaround.
An education group’s awards ceremony has shined a light on student success stories – including a teenager who was in a Christina Aguilera video.
A Suffolk village has a new addition to its collection of greens – and schoolchildren have been working with the parish council to enhance it.
A Suffolk student has created installations using plastic as part of a photography project to challenge people’s perspectives.
Suffolk villagers have hit out at a council over granting permission for a new home on a site where there are planning breaches.
Suffolk high school students went on a field trip to study the effect of regeneration on a coastal town and the physical geography of the coastline.
A Suffolk man has explained what led to him resigning from his role as a support worker for the homeless.
A family have launched a petition to get a girl with suspected neurodiversity to her end-of-year celebrations after she was banned by her school.
Suffolk pupils enjoyed an engaging day learning about the Anglo-Saxons with a theatre company.
An ‘inspirational figure’ from the field of elephant conservation visited students at a Suffolk sixth form to thank them for supporting her work.
A village school in Suffolk is ‘very proud’ of its recent Ofsted inspection result of ‘outstanding’ in three out of five areas.
The father of a child who goes to a special needs unit has voiced safety concerns over a proposal for residents’ parking bays by the school.