Senior reporter Mariam Ghaemi shares her thoughts on a lights trail at a botanic garden in a neighbouring county.
A mother has held a third burial for her 12-year-old son after it turned out a hospital trust had been storing his DNA.
A military museum is ‘thrilled’ its archives, which include those of national importance, will be able to remain in a Suffolk market town.
One of Suffolk’s smallest schools has received a shining Ofsted report, recognising that school life is ‘back on track’ following major flooding.
A new children’s ballet school has brought classes to Suffolk that also focus on children’s development – ‘not just physical ballet’.
Schoolchildren ‘loved every moment’ of their outing to visit Paddington Bear in a Suffolk market town.
The winning design by a primary school pupil has been chosen for a mayor’s official Christmas card.
Film crews have been spotted at several locations in a Suffolk town including a gym, church and residential street.
Here is our take on a theatre’s Aladdin pantomime, which opened on Friday.
A university has championed International Men’s Day by hosting an all-day conference on men’s mental health.
A Suffolk woman has spoken about her move from teaching to tutoring due to long Covid – and how it has changed her life.
Talented college students star in a production of Amelie the Musical, which is coming to a Suffolk town next week.
The Department for Education has ‘welcomed’ improvements to SEND services in Suffolk and said ‘solid foundations were in place for moving forward’.
The new landlord of a Suffolk village pub has said he will do his best to ‘keep it alive’ with the support of the community.
A secondary school where there is a ‘culture of kindness’ and high expectations is celebrating a positive Ofsted report.
A primary school is pleased with an Ofsted inspection result that recognises the hard work of staff and the efforts of the children.
A Suffolk farmer has said the inheritance tax changes would ‘do untold damage’ to agriculture in the UK, as a protest takes place in London today.
Suffolk secondary school students have planted crocus bulbs as part of a Rotary campaign to end polio.
A Suffolk MP has visited a school in his constituency in what was ‘a memorable and inspiring’ experience for the school community.
A young Suffolk woman with a rare skin condition is afraid she could lose her foot as she waits for an urgent hospital appointment.