A 60km-run challenge over 12 hours gets under way today in support of a charity launched as a legacy to a young Suffolk woman.
A council leader has welcomed the Government’s decision not to go ahead with the proposed devolution deal for Suffolk that was worth millions.
Suffolk’s proposed devolution deal, which would bring more than £500 million to the county over 30 years, has been scrapped by the Government.
A Suffolk parent has opened up about her daughter’s experience at her former school, where she was permanently excluded.
A Suffolk girl who died aged 11 is being remembered through a new kindness award that has been launched by her secondary school.
A new unit for pupils with special needs has opened on the site of a Suffolk school following investment by the county council.
An independent school in Suffolk has announced who has taken on the role of headteacher.
The Environment Agency has received multiple reports of a humming noise in the area of a Suffolk town – but has not been able to substantiate it.
A Suffolk NHS trust that is trying to address ‘significant’ financial challenges is reducing the level of psychological support it can offer staff.
A parent was set to receive more than £4,000 in compensation after Suffolk County Council failed to ensure her child had access to suitable education.
Suffolk residents are complaining of a constant and ‘mentally-draining’ humming noise – with some driving around at night to investigate.
Frustrated residents on a Suffolk estate are calling for action to be taken over lorries that are causing ‘continuous noise and disruption’.
People have been expressing their disappointment that a splash fountain project for children has ‘stalled’.
An annual charity football match in honour of a Suffolk grandad who took his own life was ‘amazing’.
Volunteer front garden judges have been thanked at a special event – and the number of certificates awarded this year in a Suffolk town was revealed.
A former Suffolk head who was jailed after being caught with more than one million indecent images of children has been banned from teaching.
Students at schools in the Stowmarket area are being celebrated today as they collect their GCSE results.
A play leader at a Suffolk charity has said they can’t thank a bowls club enough after it raised more than £2,000 for the group.
The process of clearing – that allows people to apply directly to universities for a course starting in September – has begun at a uni in Suffolk.
A former dietitian at a Suffolk hospital has had his registration suspended for a period of 12 months following serious misconduct.