Suffolk Constabulary said nothing was stolen and nobody was harmed, but want to catch the suspect.
Meet the residents looking to get away from London life
Tye was located in Croydon yesterday.
St Edmundsbury constituents voted for Britain to leave the European Union in 2016
Measures were put in place that meant some who were caught lost their licence in 24 hours.
King Edward VI School student Alex Barnes, 17, feels young people today are missing out on carefree teenage years
Four women are testing their endurance, fundraising and possibly their friendship in the trek
Seven forces joined together in the crackdown
The long-term condition causes painful swelling and restricted mobility
The weather has been well-below freezing at times this week
"There has been a number of issues of people taking stuff to be recycled and then finding it closed," a councillor said.
71 outlets are closing
In 2018, the AA estimated potholes cost drivers and insurance companies £12 million.
They are in court next month
'We have had to take the difficult decision to close 70 stores resulting in a significant number of redundancies.'
Both men were given at least two years behind bars
Coffee is now the tip of the ICEburg for Bury St Edmunds café
Bury photographer Robert Robertson captured the moment between 2.45am and 5am and sent us his pictures.
Jake Nichols was last seen at his home address on Friday.
More of your letters published in the Bury Free Press of January 18