Matt Hancock has called on Suffolk Police to act in the case of a lettings agent who owed thousands to landlords when he went missing in July
Staff at Cambridgeshire County Council will have to take three days off without pay over the Christmas period
Last orders were called for a final time on Saturday at a Newmarket pub which has closed for good after the retirement of its long-serving landlady
Heavy rain may have made the going heavy for visitors to Newmarket’s annual stables open day but it did not deter hundreds from turning out
A Newmarket student has booked his place in a prestigious competition in Abu Dhabi after clinching victory in the national Pony Racing Championship
A proposed merger between Newmarket Citizens Advice Bureau and the Suffolk West group has been described as ‘a very positive step’
Although she enjoyed surfing as a child Sarah Algar never imagined she would be taking to the waves to compete in a world championship
A 26-year-old woman has been cleared of causing the death of a jogger at Great Bradley by careless driving
Kettles will be boiling and coffee cups rattling as the annual World’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Care gets under way again today
The town centre was buzzing earlier in the month as Newmarket celebrated more than 800 years as a market town
A 58-year-old man who was caught with illegal child pornography has been handed a suspended prison sentence
Mayor James Palmer has hit out at calls for an independent review into the combined authority
Police refuse calls to probe 'missing' Newmarket estate agent
A group of women, who have all endured the tragedy of the death of a child, have got together to produce a calendar to raise money for good causes
Nineteen-year-old Matt Timmons-Brown is the latest student to receive the Bill Tutte scholarship
A new education facility at Newmarket’s Racing Centre was officially opened by the town’s MP Matt Hancock
A 22-year-old Newmarket women died from a heart attack after taking cocaine
Landlords and tenants owed thousands of pounds by a lettings agent have added their voices to a call for the police to do more to trace him
Services are at risk of cuts at Suffolk County Council as the authority prepares to wrestle with a predicted £8.6 million overspend this year
A charity concert planned by a much-loved Newmarket bandsman before his death last year will be staged at Tattersalls later this month.