Villagers have voted to oppose one of the biggest industrial livestock farming sites in the UK being built.
An investigation into a fleet of mysterious flying objects that buzzed three US airbases in Norfolk and Suffolk is understood to be winding down.
A council has voted to begin a public consultation on plans to introduce charges at car parks in market towns.
Liz Truss stormed off the stage during an event after it was interrupted by a banner depicting a lettuce and the words ‘I crashed the economy’.
Liz Truss accepted a £20,000 trip paid for by a mysterious political organisation to attend a secretive meeting on a private island in the US.
A Thetford councillor has announced his ambition to topple Liz Truss from her Norfolk seat at the next general election.
A council has said it is facing unprecedented financial pressures as it seeks to hike council tax in the district.
A bid to revamp an artificial grass pitch has been met with backlash from a sporting body which fears it will prioritise football over other sports.
A historic market town’s rich heritage is under threat due to ‘bad management and neglect’ according to one town and district councillor.
Residents fear missing out on vital funds if a developer is spared from paying for land and community projects as part of a major revamp project.
A council has been found to have £11.5m of investments in banks linked with countries with poor human rights records and terror group associations.
A bid to build flats in Thetford town centre has been approved despite objections from locals who fear it will lead to more anti-social behaviour.
A dog day care company is hoping to expand to a new premises as part of efforts to grow its business.
A district council is looking to step into the future and harness the power of artificial intelligence.
A potential revamp of an estate that houses thousands of people has moved a step closer amid growing frustrations among residents.
A developer has lost their bid to build new homes in the centre of a market town.
The future of one of the country’s most deprived neighbourhoods is to be debated once again.