Pupils took part in a live streamed fitness session of the BBC’s Big Morning Move led by celebrity body coach Joe Wicks.
A former district councillor has warned that urgent action is needed to address a rise in rough sleepers in Sudbury.
The organisers say they are relieved that the popular event will be returning to the village – after it faced an uncertain future earlier this year.
A scheme to crack down on illegal parking in Suffolk will see civil parking enforcement powers transferred from police to councils next year.
A fundraising event is being staged in Sudbury in aid of a charity, which raises awareness of domestic abuse.
In 1989, at the age of 21, Des Webb established Fatal Attraction Hair Design in North Street Parade.
Hundreds of people lined the streets of Sudbury on Remembrance Sunday to commemorate the war heroes who sacrificed their lives in conflict.
Nursery children were given a rare insight into the role of an optometrist during a visit to Wardale Williams in Gainsborough Street.
After dropping three dress sizes at Gymophobics, Sarah Archer was inspired to launch her own business venture in Sudbury.
A town official has warned that complacency is not an option if Sudbury is to continue thriving in the future.
A poignant painting that depicts war veterans from the Victorian era to the present day is going under the hammer to raise vital funds for charity.
Gainsborough’s House has unveiled plans to transform its neighbouring workshop in Sudbury into an art hub, thanks to a further funding boost.
An opticians in Gainsborough Street is offering free fluorescent high-visibility jackets for youngsters to wear as the winter months draw in.
Inspired by their French roots, business owners Alain Jacq and Stephané Chapotot pride themselves on serving home-made dishes at their eatery.
Children at Anglia Sunshine Nurseries in Warner Way joined in a series of games and sports, which featured rugby, basketball, football and tennis.
Charity staff and volunteers, who work to raise funds for good causes, are marking a significant milestone as they gear up for the festive season.
Peter Beer put forward a motion which requested that Babergh District Council conducts a thorough review of parking in Sudbury and Hadleigh.
A centuries-old landmark, which once served as a key site for merchants to trade corn, has been given a new lease of life.
Clare Castle Country Park is hoping to maximise its visitor experience with a new multi-purpose facility, thanks to a significant funding boost.
Opening hours are being extended from Mondays to Sundays, between 6am to 8pm.