A football club has been given the go-ahead to get a new lighting system.
New town centre venue could be open by the end of the year.
Details of an 85-home development have been approved by a borough council.
An application to build a five-storey University of Suffolk student accommodation block has been refused.
A winter night shelter in Ipswich has been given the go-ahead to turn into more secure accommodation.
The advice service for parents navigating Suffolk’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) system has closed its helpline for two weeks.
The launch of the Green Party’s campaign to increase its councillor numbers across the UK will take place in a Suffolk town tomorrow.
The number of overdue gas safety inspections and electrical condition reports at councils has been reduced by 78 in three weeks.
Hospitality businesses can permanently site tables on two grass areas by a town's seafront after councillors agreed unanimously to the idea.
The addition of three PCSOs to a town centre comes as the murder of a teen highlighted the need for people to feel safe in the daytime too.
A revised plan helping residents frustrated with developers not following the rules to understand the enforcement process has been approved.
Babergh District Council has joined Mid Suffolk in providing councillors with paid parental leave.
A step forward in funding for two Ipswich waterfront bridges has been taken.
Government funding of £2.65 million for children’s homes has been secured by Suffolk County Council.
Rape, serious sexual offences and stalking rates in Suffolk rose by more than eight per cent last year, according to a new report.
The mother of a child with SEND whose six-month lack of schooling led to a disparaging ombudsman report has described her family’s experiences.
A county councillor has revealed the 'longstanding impact' of being a young carer.
A code of conduct complaint against a councillor has been upheld.
A 40-metre tidal barrier with gates that close to prevent flooding is planned for a Suffolk town.
More than £39,000 of government funding has been allocated to local projects, with a focus on sports and drama.