Residents in a Suffolk town will pay around three per cent more for council tax and seven per cent more for council house rents from April.
Residents in East Suffolk will pay almost £5 a year more for council tax and just under £4 a week more for rents from April.
Mid Suffolk District Council approved a council tax freeze and rent increases of more than £6 a week yesterday.
A council has supported the idea of investing money from extra council tax on second and empty homes into social and affordable housing.
A council decision to invest in the archives of one town has angered campaigners in another.
After a month of searching, a council has appointed a new chief executive after their successor's retirement.
Financial pressures on leisure management company led it to consider closing swimming pools.
A Council Tax increase of around 10p a week for West Suffolk residents has been approved.
Costs are set to rise as a council has given the final go-ahead for changes to council tax, social housing rents and affordable housing rents.
A council will consider allowing a Nisa to open between 6am and midnight, amid worries that increased noise will disturb those living below the shop.
An opposition group at a Suffolk council will propose investing £2 million to make homes more energy efficient.
Funding of £175,000 has been secured as part of a bid to end homelessness in Suffolk in four years.
Plans to fill three agricultural fields with solar panels have been blocked by a council.
Planning details of a contentious 161-home development on a hill have been approved.
Seven affordable homes including three designed for disabled people have been approved.
A council has approved its own application for nine homes to be built on the former site of a paint retailer.
A town authority's portion of council tax is likely to rise by around 14 pence a week while the worst off will get a full cut to council tax.
Council house tenants in East Suffolk are likely to see their rents increase by six percent.
MP Caroline Lucas visited a Suffolk district this week to support the Green Party’s local election campaign.
Residents in East Suffolk are likely to see their council tax increase by around £4.95 a year.