The council tax paid to Suffolk’s police will increase by six per cent from April.
Mid Suffolk District Council’s part of council tax could be frozen while social housing rents increase under budget proposals.
A one hundred percent income tax premium will be applied to empty and second homes in East Suffolk if the government passes legislation.
Social housing tenants in a Suffolk district will gain refunds totalling around £8 million and have rents recalculated after historical overcharging.
Carbon emissions from Suffolk County Council’s operations have dropped by 15 per cent since 2019.
West Suffolk Council has postponed a decision whether to alter district taxi fares until national fuel duty rates are announced.
A social enterprise hoping to licence rickshaws as taxi alternatives put its proposals to a council meeting yesterday.
A strategy to support tourism and culture will be implemented from June, but councillors think there should be more focus on accessibility.
Suffolk's politicians have poured scorn on the system of government funding after Suffolk missed out on millions of pounds for ‘levelling up’.
Ex-Green Party leader puts forward her priorities before launching Babergh’s local election campaign.
A Suffolk charity providing housing for young parents at risk of homelessness is worried about its residents' financial difficulties.
A 44-home development has been rejected due to its encroachment into countryside land and safety concerns for residents walking to nearby businesses.
The proportion of overdue annual reviews by the county council into Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) was about 40 per cent at the end of 2022.
Suffolk’s residents will be invited to share their views on the county’s devolution deal this summer if cabinet gives its support next week.
Budding young filmmakers in a Suffolk town have been invited to learn the skills to become the next Steven Spielberg.
A thousand more patients under East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Trust were waiting more than four hours to be admitted to A&E last December.
A decision on a 44-home development stretching into the Suffolk countryside will be made on Wednesday.
A housing association has been questioned as its decision to sell flats causes uncertainty for a vulnerable person living in a remote village.
More than £1.7 million of proposed savings in county council services could be achieved by slowing down recruitment into vacant posts.
A third of the £14.5 million expected overspend in Suffolk children and young people's services is due to the cost of supporting children in care.