The conversion of a former commercial building into a home has gained permission.
An office block at a Suffolk hospital constructed as a temporary response to the pandemic has been given the go-ahead to remain for seven years.
Rent costs for social and affordable council houses in a Suffolk town are likely to increase by seven per cent.
A council’s cabinet reluctantly voted to take a 25-year lease for a health centre in Sudbury yesterday to keep plans on the table.
A projected budget gap of almost £23 million at Ipswich Borough Council has been put down to inflation.
Planned charge increases for garden waste collections in Babergh and Mid Suffolk would see residents pay almost £70 and then £60 to renew the service.
Worst-off residents in Babergh and Mid Suffolk could pay no council tax from April.
Councillors will decide whether to keep a hospital block built urgently to cope with pandemic pressures next week.
Disabled people in East Suffolk may be less likely to face means tests for home adaptations under proposed measures.
A Suffolk charity for disabled people has seen a sixteen-times increase in the number of people coming to them in extreme poverty.
Plans to increase the amount Suffolk residents pay for the police by £15 a year have been put to the public.
A district council has reiterated its commitment to improving a town's only park despite plans for funding falling through.
Plans for the district portion of east Suffolk residents’ council tax show an increase of around £5 next year.
Charges for services such as garden waste collections are likely to increase by an average of five per cent in April.
A council has pledged to combat the problem of homes left empty by working with owners and enforcing sales.
A Suffolk councillor is calling for flooding to be tackled as a road on his patch has spent 30 days since November water-logged.
More than £250,000 from a fund allowing disabled people to adapt their homes has been left unspent each year.
A ten percent increase to Suffolk County Council’s proposed budget for next year will be partly paid for by a council tax rise.
Residents will be able to stay at a bedsit for which planning permission wasn’t secured.
The amount paid by district and borough councils to support struggling households with housing-related payments has been revealed.