A cocktail bar must return to its original use as a restaurant if it is to stay open.
A 32-home development has won planning permission despite criticism over the lack of affordable houses.
Suffolk councils have gained £20,000 to improve access to housing.
A potentially cancer-causing herbicide will stop being used at a council at a cost of £20,000.
A council’s new deputy chief executive could earn almost £149,000.
A new restaurant has been given the go-ahead to serve alcohol in time for Christmas.
West Suffolk’s archives may be moved as the current building is not fit for purpose, according to the county council.
Details for a 43-home development have officer support but are being opposed by the parish council.
A new block for a Suffolk primary school has gained council consent.
Low-income families in West Suffolk will be given a year off paying any council tax from next April.
Teachers have explained how the changes made after a review into SEND provision in Suffolk have supported their work with children.
Councillors have deferred bringing in changes to their basic allowance that would have seen them gain £400 more a year.
The leisure centre phase of the Western Way Hub can progress to the final stage of tendering.
An application for 32 homes in a Suffolk village will be decided next week amid allegations of overdevelopment and calls for more affordable houses.
Arrangements for a new deputy chief executive at a Suffolk council to be considered next week include the option for the increase.
A proposal to extract 400,000 tonnes of sand and gravel from an area protected due to important habitats will be put to councillors this week.
The expansion of a primary school to add 30 new places has officer support, although Sport England is objecting.
A new devolution deal for Suffolk was signed yesterday, but Michael Gove was absent.
Councillors at West Suffolk Council will vote on an allowances scheme that would see them gaining £400 more a year.
A Green Party county councillor has criticised the county's devolution deal - due to be signed today.