Deputy leader says the £1.37 million increase is due to national pressures 'far beyond' its control
Green Party's Ash Lever will join Suffolk County Council after winning in the Beccles by-election.
A commitment to encouraging Suffolk’s dentists to return to the NHS next year has been made the integrated care board.
Waste collection workers will vote on a new pay and conditions offer by East Suffolk Norse early next week, following a called off strike.
A bin collection strike planned for East Suffolk next week has been called off.
An industrial park in Suffolk will go ahead, despite fears about traffic problems.
The details for a further 242 homes at major housing development have been approved by councillors.
A planned industrial park in Suffolk will be put to councillors tomorrow, who will weigh up the potential for 500 new jobs against traffic problems.
Failures to implement support for children with special educational needs and disabilities continued after a review recommending improvements.
A Suffolk town councillor will undergo training after breaching code of conduct rules.
Anglian Water may be scrutinised over sewage after 288 spills into one district's rivers last year.
A pub can now serve alcohol from 7am for night shift workers on Sizewell C, despite fears about disturbance and wellbeing.
The first housing development with ‘greenscreens’ of plants in a village has been given the go ahead.
A Suffolk housing development has been given the go ahead, despite strong reservations by councillors about its environmental credentials.
Fines for certain traffic offences may be enforced by the council at Suffolk sites in the next couple of years.
A council committee has recommended looking into whether carers providing at-home care could be compensated for unpaid hours spent travelling.
Council funding for a “care farm” supporting people with challenges such as learning disabilities has been approved despite concerns.
A low-carbon housing scheme is planned for council-owned land in Elmswell.
Organisations in two districts have three days left to apply for grants to fund warm spaces for those struggling with the cost of living.
A commercial property company owned by a council generated £3.7m income last year, but some remain uncertain about the future.