An increase of more than £1,000 to councillor allowances has been agreed by a district council.
Councillor allowances at a council will increase by more than £1,000 after next year’s elections.
An agricultural training centre has been given the go ahead, despite fears about road safety and the impact of noise on nearby residents.
A US eatery will take the site of a former Poundland, after councillors approved a pizza takeaway’s application.
All members of the Conservative group of councillors at Babergh District Council were absent at yesterday evening’s full council meeting.
Two districts have made plans for 65 new homes every year for the next six years, but concerns were raised if smaller properties would be included.
The number of adult social care vacancies in Suffolk increased by half between 2021 and 2022.
A Papa John’s is likely to take the site of a former Poundland in a Suffolk town.
A plan to build retirement homes in a conservation area has been refused.
The plans for 11 business units, a convenience store, café and car parking spaces were given the go-ahead at a planning meeting.
The first increase to fees and charges for West Suffolk’s taxi drivers in seven years will come into effect next April.
Taxi fare increases in the north of East Suffolk have been approved following a calculation error.
The proportion of Suffolk’s children attending school less than 90 per cent of the academic year increased to over one quarter last academic year.
Councillors are concerned about the environmental and financial implications of a planned £850,000 football pitch.
Councillors fear for the future of planning controls and environmental protections amid proposals for low-tax, low-regulation zones in the county.
Transport East’s strategy setting out priorities for transport over the next thirty years has been endorsed.
A plot on a Suffolk business development expected to generate 1,650 jobs has been given the go ahead.
A residential home for children and young people with disabilities will be built in a Suffolk town.
More young people with special educational needs are expected to get the support they need thanks to an extra £10m in funding.
Details of a planned housing development on the former playing field of a school have been approved despite pleas for more affordable houses.