Children with disabilities could benefit from a residential care home catering specifically for them.
An attempt to oust a council vice chairman for sharing a post calling Conservatives “b*stards” on Facebook has been lost.
A councillor has followed up an apology for making an obscene hand gesture at council with an accusation that the leader was laughing at someone.
Two councils will investigate improving energy efficiency across social housing stocks by pooling money from all the county’s local authorities.
A cost-of-living charter was approved, which commits to introducing ‘warm banks’ and further pledges to help those struggling.
A customer service centre in a Suffolk town hall will be taken over by a bar and restaurant company after a lease was agreed with the local council.
A step forward in plans for as new GP surgery has been made, as a council has agreed to find a lead consultant and main contractor for the project.
A 44-home development has been approved by a district council, despite concerns about parking, environmental impact and flooding.
A new strategy to improve cycling, walking and wheelchair routes has been adopted by a council.
Work to improve capacity, safety and access at Suffolk’s busiest waste and recycling centre is expected to start later this month.
A plan to cut council tax completely for the poorest households will be put to the public later this month
The number of spaces and vehicle charge points in a Suffolk district should increase in the coming years as a new parking strategy was approved.
Changes to councillor seat numbers and ward boundaries will take place across East Suffolk next year.
A motion for East Suffolk Council to improve council staff retention by setting a higher minimum wage target was voted down last night.
A full council tax reduction scheme for the worst-off households in one Suffolk district is likely to enter a period of public consultation.
A Suffolk skip hire and recycling company has been given the go-ahead to begin operations two hours earlier in the morning, despite noise fears.
A housing development on the edge of a market town will be incorporated within it as part of ward boundary changes.
Commitments to improve cycling, walking and wheelchair routes across East Suffolk could be adopted by the council next week.
A council plans to introduce free 'warm banks' and drinks to help those hit by the cost-of-living crisis, included in a new cost-of-living charter.
A decision will be made next week on whether to start a 15-year lease with a bar and restaurant operator.