The average time between a tenant moving out and another moving in to council homes in one Suffolk town was 98 days higher than target last year.
A council has fallen below targets for homelessness relief and households in temporary accommodation during the last three years.
Alcohol can now be sold at certain events at a Suffolk recreation ground after a council granted a licence.
The survey commissioned by Babergh and Mid Suffolk councils found the areas have lower than average tree coverage.
A two-day university reunion party with a cash bar has been given the green light, despite objections by police and Environmental Health.
An inflationary pressure reserve is ready to offset a forecasted overspend by a district council.
Crown car park will close 2.5 hours earlier than usual on five upcoming days, in order to allow for cleaning.
The motion discussed at the planning meeting was for 41 retirement living apartments and two new homes.
Planning permission to replace a dilapidated Victorian dwelling has been refused due to lack of resemblance to the current building.
Plans for two homes in a Suffolk village have been turned down due to impact on the landscape, despite support by a parish council.
Suffolk Constabulary is holding a recruitment webinar next week as part of its drive to welcome new police officers into its ranks.
New advice has been issued for Ukrainian refugees as the number of arrivals passes one thousand.
Proposals to turn a derelict building at a town's train station into a restaurant, café and workspace will be put to residents next week.
The CEO of a Citizens Advice Bureau has criticised a 'lack of action' from councils to help those struggling to use online services.
A scheme will gain £2,500 from a community partnership, enabling its workers to save electrical and electronic items from landfill.
The number of bus services subsidised by Suffolk County Council is at its lowest in five years.
A proposed increase to the maximum level of council tax reduction for the poorest households in Suffolk is expected to be considered in September.
A grade II listed 1930s lido could become the only 50m pool in Suffolk, if the council’s bid for funding is successful and allows for its reopening.
Possible procedural irregularities at a council have halted a decision on the application for retirement homes at a Suffolk park.
Fourteen new electric vehicle charging points planned across seven of car parks in a Suffolk town are expected to be installed by the end of the year.