A 'welcoming' new entrance for a Suffolk park is to be built, despite concerns about pedestrian safety and access for disabled people.
Carers in Suffolk have less than a week left to influence a five-year strategy aimed at meeting the needs of child and adult carers.
A Suffolk pub is to stop playing music after 11pm and install a noise limiter, in a decision made to prevent public nuisance.
'People will park in the road because there won’t be enough parking spaces.'
The future running of a Suffolk pub is to be considered following an application for a licence review on the grounds of public nuisance.
A Suffolk prison's population will rise by more than half after expansion plans were approved despite police road safety concerns.
West Suffolk Council has a £5m loan with a local authority that faces losing up to £200m.
The road networks and pathways for an 1,100-home Suffolk development have been given the green light, despite concerns about traffic build-up.
The office has worked to make Suffolk the scenic backdrop for films such as Yesterday, The Dig and Downton Abbey Two.
Taxi fares and soiling charges in the north of East Suffolk are heading towards an increase, in the first change to fares for ten years.
Data published by NHS England reveals the rise in the number of people on waiting lists.
A potential shortfall of £700,000 has been put down to the continuing impact of Covid-19, the cost-of-living crisis and the war in Ukraine.
A motion to fund social housing in East Suffolk by doubling council tax on second homes, has been voted down by East Suffolk Council.
A town will see an increase in council tax on long-term empty properties as part of upcoming measures agreed by the council.
Suffolk County Council has adopted a new streets guide, aimed at providing safer, more attractive and more inclusive environments
Smarter CCTV, safe hubs and improved subway lighting are planned for a Suffolk town as it makes use of £932,000 funding for safer streets.
The value of combating fraud in East Suffolk was more than £2 million last year.
A £500,000 reserve for tenants struggling financially in East Suffolk has been untouched for two years.
An extra £5million has been made available for the project to build the business park by the A14.
A decision on plans for up to 300 homes in a town has been deferred due to issues raised about vehicle pressures on highways.