A £100,000 project is under way to repair a medieval church in Suffolk after a structural investigation revealed that its roof is water damaged.
As part if its anniversary since changing to being open 24 hours a day, a Suffolk gym has undergone major upgrades.
The founder of a family business is highlighting the concerns that agricultural-related industries will suffer as a result of the family farm tax.
An MP has called on the Government to increase funding for Suffolk Police to help it cope with extra pressures relating to a prison expansion.
An experienced chef who once cooked for the late Queen Elizabeth II has been appointed to run a café on the edge of a Suffolk town.
Police in a Suffolk town have urged residents not to let any unknown doorstep callers into their homes after an elderly woman was targeted.
While other children of her age are glued to their games, a nine-year-old from Suffolk has started early on her ambition to become a published author.
A raid on a house in a Suffolk village saw a man arrested and a ‘sizeable quantity’ of drugs and cash seized by police.
After it was revealed that two more retailers are to close in a Suffolk town, its mayor has outlined the importance of community support for shops.
A Suffolk man who lost five stone in weight has launched a new bootcamp with his wife.
A ‘young and dynamic’ funeral directors has opened its first Suffolk shop as it looks to continue expanding.
A new production of Snow White being put on by a Suffolk dramatic society includes many ‘firsts’ among an a familiar story.
A decades-old shop in a Suffolk town is today closed after a break-in, less than 48 hours after workers were told it would be shutting for good.
A Christmas lights display held in a village near Suffolk as a grandson’s tribute to his grandad has raised more than £2,800 for charity.
The new permanent headteacher of a Suffolk school has spoken of his excitement after landing the role full time.
A primary school in a town has had to close today after its water and electricity supplies were cut off.
Concerns healthcare facilities for two large housing schemes may never materialise have prompted a town council to ask an MP for help.
A Suffolk photographer who began 2024 by celebrating his 30th year in the profession has ended it by collecting his first ever national award.
Two friends with decades of combined experience as mechanics have taken the bold step of opening their own vehicle repair centre.
An ‘inspirational’ music teacher has received a Suffolk County Councillor Award.