SuffolkNews speaks to the new leader of West Suffolk Council.
A community group recognised men’s mental health by holding a stall in a town centre on Sunday.
A new West Suffolk Council leader has tonight been elected.
On today’s podcast, a motorist has been arrested for dangerous and drug driving after failing to stop for police in a Suffolk town.
Members of a climate action group took to the streets on Saturday to raise awareness of the use of toxic pesticides.
A planning application to build six apartments at a site which has become a ‘dumping ground’ has been met with concerns by residents.
A former manager of a betting shop has embarked on a new venture offering unique play sessions for children.
Police are looking for a prisoner who was last seen this morning.
A man who was wanted on prison recall from 2015 has been jailed for burglaries at a café and a fish and chip shop in a town.
A homeowner has been left out of pocket after his house and van were vandalised.
In today’s podcast, a driver crashed a car and left the scene.
A woman is celebrating after raising just over £6,500 for a cancer charity.
A former painter and decorator, who fell into the film industry after a chance meeting with an ex gangster, has spoken of his latest movie.
A running group’s annual 10k event in memory of its former chairman saw record numbers of people taking part over the weekend.
Ahead of a popular art and craft event, fairies have been spotted in Suffolk parks.
As the Coronation of King Charles III draws closer, residents in Suffolk have been putting the finishing touches to their events and street parties.
Two restaurants in Suffolk are celebrating after finding out they are among the front runners for the region in a national competition.
Thieves attempted to steal vehicles and broke into a farm’s containers during three burglaries which police are linking.
A house was broken into and a was car stolen from a property in a village.
Racist graffiti was spray painted at a skate park in a town.