A Kentford father-of-four said his family was being torn apart by immigration service delays in granting a visa so his Ghanian wife and the mother of his children, can live permanently in the UK.
Campaigners in Burwell have given a cautious welcome to new plans for a power storage facility in the village after controversial proposals for a huge gas power plant were withdrawn.
A former stablelad, now a successful artist, has created a scene from racing’s past for this year’s Injured Jockeys’ Fund Christmas card.
A packed congregation is expected at All Saints’ Church, Newmarket, on Thursday (November 23) when family and friends gather to say farewell to popular Newmarket Town Band member Stuart Cawkwell, who has died.
Saturday’s final Christmas Fair to be held in memory of Exning schoolgirl Sophie Bell who died as the result of a brain tumour has boosted the fund set up in her name to £95,000.
Campaigners fighting Network Rail’s plan to close a railway crossing in Newmarket will get the chance to put their case when a public inquiry opens on February 13.
Plans for a 500-home development in Kennett have caused a rift between residents.
A new fund to support people suffering from pancreatic cancer has been set up by a Red Lodge woman whose mother died in August after a year-long battle with the disease.
Sizzling sunshine brought out record crowds for Burwell’s annual carnival on Saturday and the amount raised for local causes – estimated at over £12,500 –could also be the highest ever.
A village cricket club has raised more than £9,000 from Sunday’s dawn to dusk tournament described as ‘a test match in a day’.
Tributes have been paid to a Kirtling man who died in hospital after collapsing during a nursery school sports day.
Saturday’s nationwide Great Get Together, in memory of MP Jo Cox who was murdered in her Yorkshire constituency a year ago, was joined by people from Newmarket who visited a market stall set up by the local branch of the Labour Party.
The Fire and Rescue Service has issued advice to people living in Newmarket’s Icewell Hill flats following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in London.
A local cancer charity will receive a boost of more than £2,000 after an event organised by a Red Lodge woman.
Children at Exning’s Stepping Stones nursery school will be using the natural environment to enhance their early learning thanks to a donation from their local district councillor.
A Newmarket couple who have given years of voluntary service to organisations in the town have celebrated their diamond wedding.
A Kentford woman studying for a degree in dementia has joined forces with a local voluntary group and a Newmarket supermarket to form an alliance aimed at boosting awareness of the condition and helping people who live with it.
More than £2,500 was raised for good causes by members and followers of the Thurlow hounds following a charity meet in Newmarket last month.
A funeral service for former Newmarket trainer John Powney, who died last Wednesday, will be held at St Agnes’ Church, Newmarket, on Monday at 12.30pm.
Two dogs, a rabbit and a guinea pig were voted winners in a Pet of the Year 2017 competition organised by a Newmarket veterinary practice.