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Alan Hopley, from Beccles, announces his retirement from Voluntary Norfolk charityNorfolk charity boss from Suffolk announces retirement after nine years

A Suffolk boss of a charity which helps so many over the border in Norfolk is set to retire after nine years.

Alan Hopley, the long-serving chief executive of Voluntary Norfolk from Beccles, said he will leave the post to spend more time to travel and volunteer at the end of May.

The charity, which supports volunteers and voluntary organisations, has helped them assist thousands of people in Norfolk since he started.

Alan Hopley, chief executive of Voluntary Norfolk. Picture submitted
Alan Hopley, chief executive of Voluntary Norfolk. Picture submitted

In his statement, Alan said: “I feel very privileged to have spent the last nine years with Voluntary Norfolk and retain that passion that drives so many of us to try and tackle the inequalities we witness too often.

“Voluntary Norfolk is in great shape, with a fabulous team of staff, volunteers and trustees and so now is a good time to leave and start some new adventures of my own, including volunteering at home and abroad.

“Whoever is the fortunate person to replace me will be taking on a challenging but hugely rewarding position and will, I am sure, continue to achieve so much with such support in place and opportunities ahead.”

Alan spent much of his career working in the charity sector. Before he joined Voluntary Norfolk he worked for the drug and alcohol charity Addaction, now called We Are With You, as director of marketing, fund-raising and communications and before that for the Youth Hostel Association.

John Archibald, chairperson of Voluntary Norfolk, said: “Serving as a chief executive of a voluntary organisation is a tough job at the best of times.

“Add in a covid epidemic, with a huge extra demand on services, together with a cost-of-living crisis and you have a real challenge. Alan rose to that challenge and has navigated Voluntary Norfolk safely through many choppy seas.

“With Alan at the helm, Voluntary Norfolk has played a vital role improving lives and strengthening communities. Alan’s legacy will be an organisation that is well placed to meet the challenges of the future.

“Whilst Voluntary Norfolk will say farewell to a first-class chief executive, the voluntary sector will say farewell to a very able ambassador, with a wealth of knowledge, who has championed the role and importance of the voluntary sector.”