Bury St Edmunds Moreton Hall residents believe new 18 metre tall 5G mast is affecting their mobile phone signal, TV and wi-fi reception
Residents on a housing estate have been left mystified after losing signal on their mobile phones.
A number of residents in the Moreton Hall area of Bury St Edmunds have complained on social media that their phone connection either keeps breaking up or they get no signal at all.
They say there have also been problems with their TV reception and wi-fi speeds.
The grumbles began soon after a new 18-metre tall mast, which can transmit faster 5G mobile phone reception, was installed on Mount Road.
The provider however flatly denies the tower is causing the problem.
Shelly Winters, 52, who lives in Appledown Drive, alongside the mast, said: “I’ve a had a very bad signal, or none at all for about two to three months now, after the mast went up.
“I’d wander round the house from room to room, trying the get a better reception. I’m with EE and at first I thought it was just me. I have since found out loads of others have had problems too - and we’re all on different networks.
“I don’t have a landline so this means I have difficulty trying to talk my family. It’s unfair.”
She added: “I’m also unhappy that the mast is alongside my house, without notification - and has probably knocked thousands off its value.”
The mast was installed six months ago by agents Clarke Telecoms on behalf of CK Hutchinson Networks, which operates Three network.
It will be used by Three and other providers who use its network.
Communications network operators have certain development rights which mean they can build or alter communication infrastructure without having to apply for planning permission.
West Suffolk Council did however consider its siting but ‘on balance’ felt it acceptable, while ‘noting the importance for provision of telecommunications equipment’.
The agents also wrote to ward councillors and the Moreton Hall Residents Association explaining the work was in line with the government’s ambitions to upgrade areas of the country to 5G speeds, and reasoning regarding the location.
Three Network said no responses were received.
Sally Wade, 52, who lives in Juniper Road, said: “I am with O2 and I have had a poor signal ever since the mast went up, too. My neighbour has lost her internet.
“I depend on my phone for emergency calls from my mother as she lives in sheltered accommodation, with no warden. My sister also has special needs and I don’t have a landline.
“It’s frightening to think if anything happened, I might not be able to call an ambulance.
“Since the mast went up, the picture on my TV also freezes and my wi-fi, both of which are with Sky, is a lot slower.”
Three network however said the mast cannot be causing the problems as it is not yet activated.
It added it that service from other network providers will not be affected when it goes live.