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Fund launched to make Bury St Edmunds man's life 'more liveable' after accident

A fund has been launched to help a young Bury St Edmunds dad who suffered extensive injuries in a motorcycle accident lead a more comfortable life.

Luke Hearn, 30, had to be airlifted to hospital following a crash with a Honda Civic on the B1106 near Fornham on Saturday, September 12.

The father-of-two suffered extensive injuries including broken wrists, a dislocated and fractured elbow, fractured thigh, lower leg, ankle and foot on his right side, and extensive ligament and soft tissue damage on his left.

Luke Hearn in hospital shortly after his accident. Picture: The Hearn family.
Luke Hearn in hospital shortly after his accident. Picture: The Hearn family.

Mr Hearn, an engineer, was unable to fully communicate until two weeks after the accident.

After a month in hospital, and now back at home in Bury St Edmunds , his partner Jade, 27, is hoping to use funds raised to adapt their home to make his life more liveable.

“The fund was set up by one of his work colleagues while he was still in hospital and we can’t thank people enough who have contributed already,” said Jade, 31.

Jade Lynch, sons, Tristan, nine, Cillian, five months, and Luke Hearn, in happier times.
Jade Lynch, sons, Tristan, nine, Cillian, five months, and Luke Hearn, in happier times.

“Luke has always been cheerful, chatty and friendly and despite his injuries he still looks on the positive side, even though he has his ups and down.

“You never expect anything like this to happen. At the moment Luke can just about get up from the hospital bed we have in the living room to get in a wheelchair but that’s it. We don’t know when, or if, he will be able to walk again properly, or what life will be like.”

The fundraiser has topped £1,327.

Luke, who is originally from Essex, works for an engineering company based in Yoevil, Somerset, is currently receiving statutory sick pay and may be entitled to additional benefits after six months.

Jade is currently on maternity leave after giving birth to the couple’s son, Cillian, five months. Luke his also dad to Jade’s son, Tristan, nine.

“Our house is like an obstacle course for him and he can’t have a bath, climb the stairs, and has to use a commode,” said Jade.

“He has had metal pins inserted in his legs but there is a long way to go. We are hoping to be able to adapt the bathroom, fit a stairlift and maybe, long-term, adapt the car, if he needs that.

“He can’t get himself around the house without assistance and it would be great if life was just more comfortable for him.”

The original fund can be found by searching Get Luke Out of Hospital & Back with Family at www.gofundme.com

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