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Plans for open storage site at Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate East, in Sumner Road, Hepworth, near Bury St Edmunds, recommended for approval

Plans could be given the go-ahead for a temporary open storage site to make use of land earmarked in the long-term for employment floorspace.

Shepherds Grove Investment LLP wants to create three areas of open storage for three years at Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate East, in Sumner Road, Hepworth.

West Suffolk Council’s development control committee has been recommended to approve the plans when it meets on Wednesday.

The site at Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate East, in Sumner Road, Hepworth. Picture: Design and Access Statement prepared by umc architects
The site at Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate East, in Sumner Road, Hepworth. Picture: Design and Access Statement prepared by umc architects

The 3.6 hectares of land forms part of a wider parcel which is subject to a pending outline plan by the applicant for new employment floorspace, which was validated in July 2023.

A planning statement said the scale and nature of that development means it is unlikely to be brought forward within the immediate future, not least given the need for infrastructure works to be delivered in advance of the wholesale redevelopment of Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate.

It said the applicant wanted to make efficient use of the land by proposing a temporary open storage use.

The plans involve the demolition of existing buildings, six car parking spaces, an ancillary welfare building with toilets, kitchen as well as office and meeting space and perimeter fencing.

Stanton Parish Council objected as it said there was no information provided about the items to be stored and the hours of operation were not clear.

Hepworth Parish Council said there was no objection to use of the site as an open storage facility provided the height of any storage did not exceed five metres from existing ground level.

Walsham le Willows Parish Council objected as it said the exact materials to be stored were not specified.

It said there would be considerable on and off-site traffic.

Suffolk County Council Highways was satisfied the proposal would not have a severe impact on the public highway.

West Suffolk Council officers recommended a storage height limit of 10 metres, which they said would not cause significant harmful impact on the wider landscape and any adverse landscape impacts would be temporary.