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Nostalgia - Bury St Edmunds fish and chip shop in St John's Street causes a stir with pickled traffic warden

In today's nostalgia we head back to 1997 when a rather unusual pickle appeared at a Bury St Edmunds fish and chip shop – a pickled traffic warden.

The pickled doll’s head was causing quite a stir at the Golden fish and chip shop in St John’s Street – not least among the traffic wardens themselves who staged an all out bid to win their bottled namesake.

They had been busy buying raffle tickets from the fish and chip shop – ironically in a street many regarded as a motorists’ nightmare and traffic wardens’ paradise.

In 2012 a pickled warden was causing quite the stir in a Bury St Edmunds chip shop.
In 2012 a pickled warden was causing quite the stir in a Bury St Edmunds chip shop.

The wardens hoped to win the pickle jar for their boss.

Although, like traffic wardens, the pickle got called a lot of names, but its actual name Cuthrey.

Manager Bryan Garnham said: "Kiddies don't know what to make of him and the traffic wardens love him."

The pickled traffic warden was donated by a customer of 19 years known by Mr Garnham as George, who popped in on Saturdays.