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Editor's comment: West Suffolk rough sleeping team's success is simply phenomenal

There’s a part of me that sinks every time I walk through one of our market towns and catch someone on a blanket, sleeping or simply looking for some change.

This is 2018 after all. We have global communication capabilities, cars with heated seats and I can switch on my heating at home using my phone. But for some, the trappings of safe Suffolk are a million miles away.

Bury Free Press Editor Barry Peters (5840138)
Bury Free Press Editor Barry Peters (5840138)

So news this week of the success of a rough sleeping team being able to bring down the number of rough sleepers in West Suffolk from 36 to 22 in three months is phenomenal. In Bury alone, it is down from 25 to 20.

The Bury Free Press is supporting an awareness campaign at the moment to help street beggars more robustly by texting a donation for them to a central account where the money can do even more good in the long term. I urge you to have a look at the aims of the campaign and help if you possibly can – it’s called Looking for Change and details are on Justgiving if you search for Burydropin .