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Fines and arrests as police blitz bus and lorry drivers on A14

A14 (2141605)
A14 (2141605)

Two people were arrested and £1,200 of on-the-spot fines were issued during an operation targetting bus, coach and lorry offences.

The multi-agency Operation Truck and Bus last Friday near Bury St Edmunds inspected 29 vehicles.

Police Roads Policing and Road Casualty Reduction officers were on the A14 and nearby roads to stop drivers suspected of any offences.

Vehicles were escorted to Rougham Hill lorry park, where officers from Roads Policing and the Dog Unit, Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency and HM Revenue and Customs made further checks.

Two people were arrested on suspicion of drug driving, after positive drug wipes for cannabis.

Six Traffic Offence Reports issued for offences including using a mobile phone and having an insecure load.

Six fixed penalties for fines totalling £1,200 were issued, with one vehicle immobilised until the fine was paid. The DVSA issued 11 advisory notices for minor defects; three delayed prohibitions for mechanical defects and one immediate prohibition for no brake lights.

Insp Chris Hinitt, from the joint Roads Policing and Firearms Operations Unit, said: "This was a positive day of action and a great example of multi-agency working, the primary aim of which is to continue to make our roads safe for all users.

"It was pleasing that the majority of vehicles brought back to the check site were generally in good condition and most of the offences or defects detected were minor.

"However, the two arrests for drug-driving show people are still willing to risk the lives of other road users, as well as their own, as were the six penalty notices issued for tachograph offences, which is particularly frightening when they are in charge of such large vehicles."