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Here are some of the Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday events taking place in Suffolk this weekend

Here are some of the parades and events taking place in Suffolk to commemorate Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday:


Today, there will be a wreath laying at the war memorial on Angel Hill, set to take place from 10.55am.

At 2.30pm, there will be a Remembrance Service in the rose garden of Abbey Gardens, led by the Dean of St Edmundsbury.

Remembrance service and parade in Bury St Edmunds in 2022 Picture: Mecha Morton
Remembrance service and parade in Bury St Edmunds in 2022 Picture: Mecha Morton
Remembrance service and parade in Bury St Edmunds in 2022. Picture: Mecha Morton
Remembrance service and parade in Bury St Edmunds in 2022. Picture: Mecha Morton

On Sunday, at 10.30am the Remembrance Day parade including representatives from the Army, Navy and the RAF as well as cadets, scouts and military associations will take place on Angel Hill.

At 10.55am, a service of Remembrance and wreath laying will take place at the war memorial, followed by a march past at 11.20am and a Remembrance service in St Mary’s Church at 11.30am.


Today, a two-minutes silence will be held at the war memorial on the seafront at 11am.
Tomorrow, there will be a civic Remembrance service at 9.45am, at St Johns Church, a civic Act of Remembrance at 10.45am at the war memorial and a service at the war graves in Felixstowe Cemetery at Midday.


A two-minute silence will be observed today at 11am by the war memorial in the grounds of the Church of St Michael.

New Road will be the place that people involved in the town’s parade will meet at 10.15am, before leaving at 10.40am.

The march will go through the town via Bridge Street, Market Hill, Church Street and into the churchyard where they will assemble around the war memorial at approximately 10.50am.

The Church of St Michael. Picture: Google Maps
The Church of St Michael. Picture: Google Maps

There will be the reading of the names and wreaths laid as well as an Act of Remembrance – The Last Post will then be sounded followed by a two-minute silence.

Reveille will then be played after which the service inside the church will commence.

Following the service the parade will reassemble in the churchyard to march down to the Market Hill for speeches.


On Sunday, the annual Remembrance Parade in Withersfield Road will march through the town, starting at approximately 2.20pm.

The parade lead by the Bury St Edmunds Sea Cadet Band, will be made up of military personnel, public service representatives as well as war veterans and others.

The route will start on Duddery Hill, proceed along the High Street and Queen Street to the cemetery and War Memorial in Withersfield Road.

After the service and laying of wreaths at 3pm, the parade will return to Market Square to be officially dismissed.

Road closures due to the parade are:

♦ Haverhill High Street: Full closure between 1.30pm to 4pm or until parade has disbanded whichever is later.

♦ Camps Road: 2.20pm to 2.40pm and from 3.30pm to 3.50pm or until parade has passed, whichever is later.

♦ Queen Street: Full closure

♦ Withersfield Road: 2.40pm to 3pm and 3.30pm to 4pm or until parade has passed whichever is later.

♦ Lower Downs Slade: Closed only while parade passes

♦ Crowland Road & Broad Street: Closed only while parade passes


Today, a short service for Armistice Day will take place at the Cenotaph in Christchurch Park led by the Royal British Legion with Reverend Tom Mumford, Vicar at St Mary-le-Tower, Civic Church of Ipswich.

The sounding of maroons will mark the start and end for a two-minute silence at 11am.

On Sunday, there will be a large public service at the Cenotaph, organised by the Royal British Legion with a march through the town.

The service starts at 10.50am with veterans, civic leaders, members of the armed forces, cadets, and other organisations coming together to pay their respects, with the sounding of maroons to mark a two-minute silence at 11am.

After the service councillor Lynne Mortimer, Mayor of Ipswich, with Martyn Levett, deputy lord lieutenant of Suffolk and honorary recorder for Ipswich, will take the salute at the March Past.

Ipswich Town Hall. Picture: Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich Town Hall. Picture: Ipswich Borough Council

Portman Road Car Park B will be closed on Sunday as this car park is used for Remembrance Day service organisers. Please use the alternative car parks (A, C and D) on Portman Road.

There will also be rolling road closures for up to ten minutes for the march to and from Christchurch Park on Sunday (10am to 10.45am and 12.30pm to 1.15pm) affecting the following locations:

♦ Elm Street: Full closure Civic Drive to Museum Street

♦ Museum Street: Full closure Crown Street to Princes Street

♦ Westgate Street: Partial closure between Museum Street and Cornhill

♦ Cornhill: Full closure Westgate Street to Tavern Street

♦ Tavern Street: Full closure Cornhill to Northgate Street

♦ Northgate Street: Full closure Tavern Street to Crown Street

♦ Upper Brook Street: Full closure Tacket Street to Northgate Street

♦ Crown Street: Partial closure Fonnereau Road to St Margaret’s Street

♦ Soane Street: Full closure St Margaret’s Street to Bolton Lane.

Also today, hundreds of veterans are set to be honoured at Ipswich Town FC’s match against Swansea City to mark Remembrance Day.

The club has once again teamed up with social enterprise Combat2Coffee for its second annual Medals2Matches fixture.

Veterans and serving armed forces personnel are being encouraged to wear their medals to the match, making them eligible for refreshments discounts throughout the stadium and the club’s FanZone.

The club is also donating 100 tickets to members of the veteran’s community and Combat2Coffee support staff, with each recipient also receiving a specially designed HOAX Medals2Matches hoodie from Combat2Coffee.

Nigel Seaman, founder of Combat2Coffee, said: “Medals2Matches is a great way of honouring the heroes in our community.

Mark Ashton, Ipswich Town CEO, Nigel Seaman from Combat2Coffee and Jason Carter from Hoax. Picture: ITFC
Mark Ashton, Ipswich Town CEO, Nigel Seaman from Combat2Coffee and Jason Carter from Hoax. Picture: ITFC

“There will be hundreds – if not thousands – of serving and former armed forces members in the stands every match. It is only right we recognise them for their service to this country.

“It will be fantastic to see so many wearing their medals, following on from the success of last year’s event.

“We hope it will act as a way for people to recognise the heroes who sit among them in the stands week in, week out.”

Soldiers from RAF Wattisham will be supporting the club’s on-pitch tribute alongside club staff who have also previously served within the armed forces.

A bugler from the East of England Co-op band will be performing The Last Post and leading supporters in a minute’s silence ahead of kick-off.

For this fixture, the Royal British Legion will be collecting donations in areas surrounding Portman Road as well as in the hospitality areas and within the FanZone.

Also in the FanZone will be members from 7 Para Royal House Artillery, who will be on-hand to educate and interact with supporters who wish to find out more about the regiment.

“This is a hugely important event in our fixture calendar,” Mark Ashton, Ipswich Town’s chief executive, said.

“Remembrance Day is a day very close to my heart as it runs in the family blood in serving our country.

“The work that Nigel and everyone at Combat2Coffee is doing is truly fantastic and I am delighted to see Medals2Matches back again this year.”

More information on how Town will be commemorating Remembrance Day can be found at www.itfc.co.uk.


Armistice will be marked today at the war memorial on Royal Plain, Lowestoft Cemetery, and Belle Vue Park – these short ceremonies will begin shortly before 11am.

The annual service to commemorate Remembrance Sunday will take place tomorrow at the war memorial on Royal Plain.
This ceremony will begin shortly before 11am, following the parade from Claremont Pier.


The community will come together on Sunday at 1.45pm at the Newmarket War Memorial.

Wreaths will be laid followed by local groups with members of the armed forces marching in a slow procession, starting at 2:15pm from the clock tower through the High Street to Tattersalls.
The Remembrance service will take place in Tattersalls’ sales ring with the Reverend of All Saints Church, the Newmarket Town Band, and the Newmarket Community Choir.


Today at 10.45am, people will assemble at the town’s Memorial Gates at the Recreation Ground.

At 10.55am, an Act of Remembrance will take place with a two-minute silence at 11.00am.

Stowmarket's Memorial Gates
Stowmarket's Memorial Gates

There will be a wreath laying by town mayor, councillor Nick Gowrley, before a dismissal by the parade marshall at 11.10am.

At 9am on Sunday, the Remembrance Parade sets off from Red Gables.

There will be a salute from the parade next to the memorial clock, before the church service starts at 9.30am.

At conclusion of the church service, the parade will form up in the Market Square.

At 10.40am, the parade will march off in the direction of the Recreation Ground Memorial Area led by the Reverend Michael Eden.

After the Act of Remembrance at 10.55am there wil be the two-minute silence and then the laying of wreaths.

There will be a closure of ceremony by the mayor and a dismissal by the parade sergeant.

At 11.45am there will be a Peace Pledge Union Service, before a full closure of the event at 12pm.


The town’s Remembrance parade on Sunday will gather at Tanner Street’s riverside car park, parading along Tanner Street and Well Street, lead by the Royal British Legion band – It is due to arrive on the Market Place at 10.37am.

At 10.40am – The Standards will march on, officers will salute the Standards and the mayoral party will take their positions in the parade.

The national anthem will be played at 10.43am to signal the beginning of the service, which will be led by Reverend Dr Peter Herbert.

At 11am, The Last Post will be played followed by a two-minute silence.

The exhortation will be read, wreaths will be laid at the town’s memorial whilst a piper plays a lament.

The ceremony will then end with the parade marching down King Street to the Tanner Street car park