The Rede Plough, near Bury St Edmunds, still on the market after a year despite £70,000 price drop
A historic, once popular Suffolk pub, remains on the market despite £70,000 price drop.
The Rede Plough, near Bury St Edmunds, was put on the market in February 2023.
The grade-II listed 16th Century pub, in Church Close, closed in December 2022, following the departure of landlords Sallie and Paul Adams.
The couple took it over as tenants the previous September after landlords of 40 years, Brian and Joyce Desborough, retired.
Admiral Taverns, which owns the pub, had hoped new tenant landlords could be found.
The thatched pub was put up for sale in February 2023 at £395,000, with the price reduced around October.
Agents Everard Cole, in Cambridge, are now seeking freehold offers in the region of £325,000.
The pub’s main features are listed as: a main bar, restaurant and snug, traditionally decorated, with a large plot of 0.5 acres and three to four bed private accommodation.
The ground-level trade kitchen area is situated behind the bar, providing central service throughout.
Towards the back of the building, there is an attractive courtyard garden that can be used for dining during warmer weather, which leads to extensive grassed areas, it added.
The site provides a large car park with ample parking spaces.
There is also a large wooden barn unit to the side of the car park, currently used for storage.
It is described as an excellent ‘destination opportunity’.
The agents say: “The Plough is a traditional thatched pub in the beautiful hamlet of Rede, a short drive from Bury St Edmunds and close to the A14.
“This is a very attractive pub with an extensive external drinking area to both the front and back of the property.
“The demographics locally are very strong, this is a leafy community village that alongside the surrounding villages of Bury St Edmunds are predominately similar and relatively affluent areas.”