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Hopes to harvest rainwater for Bury in Bloom hanging baskets

Hanging baskets in Bury St Edmunds could be blooming thanks to harvested rainwater this summer if a campaign is a success.

Bury in Bloom's new co-ordinator David Irvine hopes 50 per cent of all water used for the town's hanging baskets this year could be collected rainfall, while he is aiming to increase to 100 per cent in 2021.

With each hanging basket needing three to four litres of water a week, David estimates 2,000 litres of water will be needed per week, as well as a five-week stock to cover periods of low rainfall.

New co-ordinator of Bury in Bloom David Irvine.....PICTURE: Andy Abbott. (27334700)
New co-ordinator of Bury in Bloom David Irvine.....PICTURE: Andy Abbott. (27334700)

He said: "With community and environmental elements taking 60 per cent of the points in the Anglia in Bloom competition, I am keen to increase Bury in Bloom's involvement in these areas.

"The hanging baskets have water reservoirs built in to avoid wasting water, which is a big plus point already. Using harvested rainwater for the hanging baskets combined with the baskets' reservoirs will be a big plus when it comes to judging."

He is looking for storage for 10 cubic metres of water.

Greene King has already offered to look at storage options collecting water from its town centre buildings, but David would like as many collection and storage options as possible.

"Using collected rainwater will also save money and is better for the plants, being much softer than the very hard tap water available in this region," he added.

For more information or to get involved, email David at coordinator@buryinbloom.org.uk